Headquarter ARAS

Lifetime value Explorer

Empower ambitions to thrive.

Headquarter ARAS

Lifetime value Explorer

Empower ambitions to thrive.

Headquarter ARAS

Lifetime value Explorer

Empower ambitions to thrive.

Big ideas Resources Technology Elite
Welcome to ARAS

Breakthroughs, redefine and realize goals in life and business.

Our Core Values

We succeed by your success

Aspirational vision
Aspirational vision
Inspirational leadership
Inspirational leadership
Competitive compensation package
Competitive compensation package
Employee loyalty cultivation
Employee loyalty cultivation
Foreseeable business plans
Foreseeable business plans
Trustworthy Brand reputation
Trustworthy brand reputation
Commercial business models
Commercial business models
Performance-based assessments
Performance-based assessments
Corporate Responsibility and Image
Corporate responsibility and image
Nimble corporate culture
Nimble corporate culture

Group Map

Group Vision

We establish an innovation center for the world’s top experts to make breakthroughs, redefine and realize goals in life and in business.

We persistently upskill ourselves to bring the sustainable web-based solutions to stakeholders and leverage in our service to become global enterprises.

We drive multi-stakeholder collaboration across the ESG value chain by leadership, solutions, top talent, and achieve mutual value with client.

We aim to create valuable digital assets and business ecosystem for our partner to strengthen their adaptability to variations.

anpeX is a private investment firm of Aras Group. We are dedicated to complete the wealth circle of Aras in sustainable approaches.

Pass on education and promote entrepreneurship
In the tin house of the breeding center, the dream story of entrepreneur is being realized, and the start-up Akacia is gradually incubating and growing. Akacia, which is always lit at night, is lit up by Workmates writing plans day and night, which becomes a bright spot in the dark building. And often smell the smell of bread, it is Director Yang in the photo, personally delivering freshly baked bread, enthusiastically caring for everyone outside the tin house, and Workmates also always responded to Director Yang's greetings and love from the window. With the selfless support of teachers, irrigation and inheritance education, Akacia is gradually growing and pooling resources as well as achieving financial and operational independence.
The Golden Torch Award/ Top 10 Potential Enterprises
In 2006, the year after Akacia's founding, Akacia won the Golden Torch Award as a forward-looking and malleable potential enterprise, continuing the spirit of selfless promotion and cultivation of teachers, passing on to potential members such as Jackal, creating a rare stage, and encouraging Jackal, a newcomer who has just entered the workplace, to continue to challenge himself, accumulate deep strength and begin to build a professional core team. From the original ignorance and nervousness, through accumulating various experiences and different experiences, standing on the podium with elites at different levels, receiving hard-won awards, receiving the glory of winning awards, and will continue to pass on this glory and spirit in the future, towards the road of sustainable growth.
Create team spirit and centripetal force
Executives serve as consultants and judges, take the company's vision and growth as the goal, continuously give advice and guidance to the team, through Team Building, let the team establish entrepreneurial thinking, think and confirm common goals, simulate how to become a potential enterprise, take the executives' own experience and thinking as inspiration, and then eliminate risks and become the future stars of the industry, and learn from each other to further unite team members, build strong relationships and build superior cognitive thinking to attract angel investors. The team members will also bring the concepts obtained from the activities back to the workplace to learn and plan with the entrepreneurial thinking of entrepreneurs, and through the brainstorming, cooperation, division of labor, and consulting of the team, all employees will experience the entrepreneurial operation and concept inheritance of the knowledge team.
Team Annual Strategy Meeting
Each business unit inherits the development model of the early years and establishes a core team. Through the strategy meeting, senior management guides the core members of each business unit to jointly formulate business development policies, explore and communicate with each other, identify their own team characteristics, and develop key conceptual vocabulary to define the value proposition. In order to achieve the common goals of the team and the business, through the strategic meeting to learn from each other and share and brainstorm, and follow the core values and entrepreneurial concepts adhered to by the leader, guide the common direction of the team and the business body and the countermeasures to solve the problem, explore different areas through collaborative cooperation, enhance the logical thinking of team members, take reasonable risks to enhance competitive advantage, create their own value, and be good at inheritance in order to better inherit.
Partners who thrive and rise to challenges
Iris, who took the initiative to face challenges, experienced a one-month workation trip to the United States, and through the experience of senior executives, through pre-departure preparation and trip analysis planning, she still has enough adaptability to face many unexpected challenges. Through the rare experience, in the face of unfamiliar environment, smooth communication and cooperation with the team and good travel planning, the time efficiency is maximized, and the business planning thinking is established and applied to future work. Team leaders carry forward the spirit of selfless support, cultivate outstanding potential talents to become business partners, lead them to expand their international vision, deepen their humanistic qualities, appreciate diversified and high-end service experiences, and continue the inheritance to share experiences and give back to the team.
Continue to inherit and move towards an international group
With a higher vision and forward-looking thinking, Akacia has drawn up a blueprint for the development of the company as a group many years ago, and encouraged and inspired Lydia to become a doctor of design, with a higher vision and forward-looking thinking, more in-depth cross-field technology application services, showing a professional consulting type, and proposing more solutions and services for customer needs, which has more advantages than general consulting services, and is more sensitive to future industry trends, able to plan a complete work plan in advance, understand customer pain points in advance and prepare, and core executives continue to lead businesses from excellence to excellence. In 2022, under the witness of the teachers, Akacia was acquired by foreign capital to become an international group. The core teams of each business unit actively layout and plan succession, not only inheriting the spirit of incubating start-ups, but also continuously improving the breadth and depth of cross-fields.
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